Friday, October 9, 2009

From Spirit . . .
For All Seekers of The Light.
A Collection of Channeled Writings
Series 1: The Foundation of Metaphysics
Volume One: To the Skeptics, The Psychically Misinformed.
To The Skeptics, The Psychically Misinformed discuss misconceptions some people believe are true about psychic abilities. Veterans of Metaphysical study may find these concepts out of date. However, the veteran of Metaphysics has "been there, and done that," but it was so long ago, you probably have forgotten. This volume reminds the veteran of the start of their psychic trek, helping the seasoned student to realize their Metaphysical progression.
The novice of Metaphysical study is "there" and wants to move forward. Volume one helps to guide the novice out of the massive maze of psychic information available and begin to carve his or her own pathway of Spiritual progression.
Volume one is $12. Payable through Paypal.
Please allow five days Delivery via e-mail.

Coming soon
Volume two: Awakening The Teacher Within.